ICSE Academy
EU project Professional development for European in- and pre-service STEM teachers (ProSTEM) 2022-2025 website [collapsibles] [collapse title=”European Workshop Series, September-December 2023″] The core consortium partners (ITE and CPD providers from across Europe) will, together with invited guest lecturers (for example with a policy background) offer joint online workshop series. It covers an overall topic linked…

MOST – Meaningful Open Science Education Connects Schools To Communities
Project H2020 – 2020-2022 Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities Ten countries: DE, AT, NO, MT, ES, NL, TR, CZ, LT, SE In the ‘open schooling community’ there are different roles: Schools Families Professionals Open (science) schooling [collapsibles] [collapse title=”English abstract”] The EU funded project MOST supports European school students and citizens in developing…

Inclusive Science Teaching
Are you interested in equity, diversity and inclusion in education? Have you experienced challenges in your teaching regarding these topics? Our activities Inclusive Science Teaching Workshop This workshop consisting of 2 sessions will provide the space to share own personal experiences and doubts, jointly discuss different approaches to tackle EDI aspects in the…

Improving reading and comprehending mathematical expression in braille
Thesis Annemiek van Leendert, Universiteit Utrecht Improving reading and comprehending mathematical expression in braille [collapsibles] [collapse title=”Abstract”] Improving reading and comprehending mathematical expressions in braille The main research question guiding this study is: How can braille readers improve reading and comprehending of mathematical expressions? We have studied that question from different perspectives. The emphasis was…

Leerplatform Informatica – React-EU
A Dutch project with European support (React-EU)

GEM – Summercamps for girls
Empower Girls to Embrace their Digital and Entrepreneurial Potential Een Europees project 2020-2022 Contact in NL: UU (FI)

Problem solving
Problem solving is more than just solving a problem. Definition Problem solving refers more to the process that leads to solving the problem than to finding the solution itself. In problem solving, the ability to use heuristics and a mathematical attitude are important. In general, a number of phases can be distinguished in problem solving:…

FI Scientific Library
Scientific publications from the Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University. Theses and other publication, starting in 1990. Van Dijke (2021). Introducing Statistical Inference: Design and Evaluation of a Learning Trajectory. Utrecht University, Utrecht. (FI Scientific Library 109) Wijnker, W. (2021). The Unseen Potential of Film for Learning. Film’s Interest Raising Mechanisms Explained in Secondary Science and Mathematics…

Quality and impact of practice-oriented educational research
Suzanne Groothuijsen Thesis “Quality and impact of practice-oriented educational research”. Universiteit Utrecht – Freudenthal Institute – Scientific Library, nr. 107. Groothuijsen (2021) Practice-oriented educational research is scientific research emanating from and being conducted in educational practice with collaborative involvement of relevant stakeholders, and building on and aiming to contribute to both educational research and practice….

STEAM in Motion
STEAM in motion Erasmus+ KA2 project, 2020-2023 Successor of the project Maths in Motion Focused on primary education A consortium with 7 participating countries. The projects vision is to shape and spread an inclusive educational method on STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths). Maths in Motion Maths in Motion (2017-2020) was a project…

FunThink – Enhancing functional thinking from primary to upper secondary school
European (Erasmus+) project 2020-2022 Penvoerder Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany Partners in the Netherlands Universiteit Utrecht (Freudenthal Instituut) en Hogeschool iPabo Abstract Functional thinking is not only highly relevant within mathematics, but also crucial in everyday and professional life. It is, for instance, required, when modelling the spread of a virus such as the current…

European project – 2021 – 2024 teach4life is an online platform for prospective STEM teachers and young as well as experienced practising STEM teachers. The aim of the platform is to increase the attractiveness of the STEM teaching profession in Europe by initiating dialogues between STEM teachers and connecting future and practicing STEM teachers….

Formative assessment with digital tools (Numworx)
Peter Boon (UU) Currently Numworx is working on new tools for formative assessment of secondary education mathematics curricula. The goal is to create and disclose better data to determine students’ capabilities and weaknesses, especially for formative purposes. The traditional assessment approach of mathematics at secondary school is giving students a test per textbook chapter which…

Online Mathematics Education Seminars UU
Online seminars on mathematics education Organised by Universiteit Utrecht: Rogier Bos en Anna Shvarts. Objective This series of seminars focuses on the following two main goals: (1) deepening our understanding of phenomena in mathematics education, and (2) strengthening scientific connections within the Dutch community of mathematics education researchers. Datum en tijd: monthly, on a Thursday,…

STEMkey – connect competences with skills
Erasmus+ KA2 project (strategic partnership) Teaching standard STEM topics with a key competence approach. september 2020 – september 2023 Abstract Our general objective is to transform future teachers’ grasp of teaching standard STEM topics. To achieve that we will rethink and reshape the delivery of fundamental STEM subject knowledge in the context of key competence…

ENSITE: ENvironmental Socio-Scientific Issues in Initial Teacher Education
Sep-1-2019 to August-31-2022 Erasmus+ project With a focus on data collection and critical data analysis, like: Reasoning, argumentation & critical thinking Collecting data Analysing big data Decision-making [collapsibles] [collapse title=”Abstract”] ENSITE supports the development of future science and maths (from now on referred to as science) teachers’ environmental citizenship and related teaching competences. ENSITE faces…

Environmental socio-scientific issues in (teacher) education for science & mathematics (May, 20, 2021)
Online Seminar/Multplier Event, May 20, 2021 by Elwier/Ecent, Utrecht University . In the context of the Ensite project. Register (online form, we will send a confirmation, no costs). Environmental socio-scientific issues in (teacher) education for science & mathematics International multiplier event for STEM teacher educators by Ensite Thursday 20th may 2021, 13:45-17:00 The workshop is…

ICSE (International Centre for STEM Education) is an internationally connected research centre that is located at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany. The ultimate aim of ICSE is to help improve STEM education across Europe through practice-related research and its transfer into practice. 3C4Life [collapsibles] [collapse title=”References”] Akkerman, S. F. and Bakker, A. (2011)….

Colette – Computational Thinking Learning Environment for Teachers in Europe
Website Europees (Erasmus+) project 2020-2022 Penvoerder Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Partner in Nederland Universiteit Utrecht (Freudenthal Instituut) Lesmateriaal dat gebruikmaakt van XR, Augmented Reality Blokken bouwen in de lucht (nederlandstalig) Environment for AR programming (engelstalig) [collapsibles] [collapse title=”Abstract”] Abstract The digital transformation has fundamentally changed our life in the last years and…

MaSDiV – Supporting mathematics and science teachers in addressing diversity and promoting fundamental values
Er worden docenten onderbouw vo science/wiskunde gezocht die nascholing zouden willen volgen op het gebied van ‘omgaan met verschillen in de bètavakken’. Het project gaan over het (culturele) diversiteit in de STEM lessen (onderbouw vo). Daarbij wordt aandacht besteed aan (na)scholing op het gebied van STEM en (culturele) diversiteit.