Educating the Educators – conferentie
International Conference on approaches to scaling-up professional development in mathematics and science education
Doel van de ‘Educating-the-Educators’-conferentie is een bijdrage leveren aan de ondersteuning van nascholing en initiële scholing (STEM) op het gebied van onderzoekend en ontwerpend leren.
The conference aim is to provide a platform for exchange among research and practice on successful IBL and further related innovative teaching concepts and experiences on and with ‘educating the educators’.
[collapse title=”2023, the Netherlands, ETE IV”]
May 11-12, 2023, Naturalis Museum Leiden, the Netherlands
Theme: ‘STEM & Open Schooling for Sustainability Education’
The ETE IV will be combined with the MOST conference: professional development in mathematics and science education that brings together teacher educators, policy makers, teachers and various other stakeholders related to STEM education.
ETE IV will focus on implementing and scaling up innovative teaching approaches in STEM education and in particular on open schooling initiatives with respect to environmental issues (such as waste reduction, energy reduction/transition, increasing electricity needs for clouds and bitcoins, etc.). The aim is to discuss different approaches with a rich variety of participants on three dimensions:
- Personal dimension: Which roles, contents and activities have to be considered in the professional development courses for PD course leaders and facilitators in professional learning? In particular, what do need teacher educators to support teachers in running open schooling projects? What do teachers need for being involved in open schooling initiatives on environmental issues?
- Material dimension: Which role can materials play in professional development for mathematics and science teachers, such as classroom materials, materials for students and community members (such as brainstorming templates), face-to-face and online materials? In particular what materials do teachers need to run open schooling projects?
- Structural dimension: What structures are needed for implementing and sustaining open schooling initiatives, such as school-community projects, on environmental issues?
[collapse title=”2019, Freiburg, Duitsland, ETE III”]
October 7th – 8th, 2019 (combined with MaSDiV)
Including also, but not exclusively: Connections between STEM and fundamental values of our democratic societies, intercultural learning and language issues
Call for Proposals – Educating the Educators III
[collapse title=”2016, Freiburg, Duitsland, ETE II”]
7 to 8 November 2016 (including an Early Career Researchers’ Day on 9 November) at the University of Education Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Theme: ‘Educating the educators – international approaches to scaling-up professional development in maths and science education’
This second international conference is as well specifically devoted to the topic of educating the educators in mathematics and science education. It will serve as a platform for international exchange about concepts and experiences.
* Aim: to present and discuss different approaches which ensure a high quality of the education of educators:
Personal dimension: Which roles, contents and activities have to be considered in the PD for facilitators (in professional learning communities and in the multiplier concept)?
Material dimension: Which role can materials play in professional development for math and science teachers (classroom materials, face-to-face PD materials and e-learning PD materials)?
Structural dimension: How to establish adequate systemic project designs for scaling up and their evaluation (like e.g. in mascil or other professionalisation projects)?
Keynotes: Alan Schoenfeld (Berkeley, US), Malcolm Swan (Nottingham, UK), and Olaf Köller (Kiel, Germany)
Contributions: The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday, 16 April 2016. The proposal should not exceed 2 pages
[collapse title=”2014, Essen, Duitsland, ETE I”]
15 – 16 December 2014, University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Germany
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