Statistical literacy
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Wat is Statistische geletterdheid?
Definities en verwijzingen |
Nederlands | Engels |
Statistische geletterdheid is “het vermogen om statistische resultaten waarvan wij in ons dagelijks leven getuige zijn, te begrijpen en kritisch te evalueren – gekoppeld aan het vermogen om de bijdragen te waarderen die statistisch denken kan bevorderen in openbare en particuliere, professionele en persoonlijke besluiten”. | Statistical literacy ‘is the ability to understand and critically evaluate statistical results that permeate our daily lives – coupled with the ability to appreciate the contributions that statistical thinking can make in public and private, professional and personal decisions’. |
- Bakker, A., Kent, P., Noss, R. and Hoyles, C. (2006). Designing statistical learning opportunities for industry. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Salvador, Brazil.
- Boels, L., Bakker, A. and Drijvers, P. a. (2016). Students’ interpretations of histograms: a review. .
- Droogers, M. J. S. and Drijvers, P. H. M. (2017). Enhancing statistical literacy, 860–867. .
- Gal, I. (2002). Adults’ statistical literacy: Meanings, components, responsibilities International Statistical Review, 70(1), 1-25. doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2002.tb00336.x .
- Gal, I. (2020). Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults: a critical view of a neglected field (PDF) ZDM, 2020 Apr 6, 1–18. doi:10.1007/s11858-020-01155-9 .
- Samarapungavan, A., Mantzicopoulos, P. and Patrick, H. (2008). Learning science through inquiry in kindergarten (PDF) Science Education, 92(5), 868-908. doi:10.1002/sce.20275 .
- Van Dijke-Droogers, M. (2021). Introducing Statistical Inference: Design and Evaluation of a Learning Trajectory (PDF), Freudenthal Institute (pp. 254). Utrecht: Utrecht University.
- Zevenbergen, R. (2004). Technologizing numeracy: intergenerational differences in working mathematically in new times Educational Studies in Mathematics, 56, 97-117. .