Groepsopgaven bij wiskunde: enkele resultaten van het project Adaptief Groeps-Onderwijs voor 12- tot 16-jarigen
![]() Tijdschrift voor Didactiek van de Beta-wetenschappen, uitgegeven door het Freudenthal Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht in de periode 1983-2014 |
Perrenet, J. Chr
Tijdschrift voor Didactiek van de Beta-wetenschappen |
This article presents some of the results of the project AGO 12-16 (Adaptive Group Education for students with age 12 to 16) The goal of the project is to develop and evaluate a mathematics program for mixed ability teaching. A comparison is made between an experimental program, based on the AGO-model, and a more traditional program. Implementation of the program has a positie effect on learning results. Cooperation in small groups as a part of the program proves to be an important factor in explaining this effect. Examples of the problems the heterogeneous groups worked on are given. Former Dutch research in mixed ability mathematics teaching for small groups heavily leaned on the presentation of mathematics in real-life situations. In this study the positive effect can be attributed to the use of other kinds of problems, such as simultaneous solving of isomorphic problems within the small group.
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